Submission Number: 761
Submission ID: 2115
Submission UUID: 4ff2831a-4a7c-4727-8dcb-12839fb13eb8

Created: Mon, 06/20/2022 - 11:46
Completed: Mon, 06/20/2022 - 11:46
Changed: Mon, 06/20/2022 - 11:46

Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: Ei
Verkkolomake: Sign the Open Letter
Title Mr
First Name Radu
Last Name Cirligeanu
Profile Citizen
Email address
Job Position Aerospace Engineering
Country of Residence or Citizenship Romania
I authorise to publish my personal data on Internet in accordance with the "Terms of Service" here after Yes
Do you have any comments or requests? I would like more information to be available to the average citizen, in a plain, simple (non-legal) language on this treaty, its origins and its implications on the climatic situation. A list of clear examples of actions relying on this treaty ("investors" vs. states) should be created and made available so that one can grasp the futility of his/her individual struggle to reduce the carbon footprint, when compared to the financial interests of oil and gas companies protected by this treaty. It is a shame such a treaty exists and it is even worse that (almost) nobody speaks about it.
I agree to the terms of service. Kyllä