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Submission information
Submission Number: 457
Submission ID: 473
Submission UUID: d5106acb-1986-408d-a2de-a97adbe55cc2
Submission URI: /el/form/sign-the-letter?_webform_dialog=1
Submission View: /el/webform/sign_the_open_letter/submissions/473?token=rsS3RnuMekGpgJFzyBPKhdE1F9n0LhrSM-CgTGf513s
Submission Update: /el/form/sign-the-letter?_webform_dialog=1&token=rsS3RnuMekGpgJFzyBPKhdE1F9n0LhrSM-CgTGf513s
Created: Wed, 12/09/2020 - 02:32
Completed: Wed, 12/09/2020 - 02:32
Changed: Wed, 12/09/2020 - 02:32
Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Is draft: Όχι
Webform: Sign the Open Letter
Title | Mr |
First Name | Tom |
Last Name | Kucharz |
Profile | Activist |
Email address | |
Organisation | |
Job Position | investigador |
Country of Residence or Citizenship | Spain |
I authorise to publish my personal data on Internet in accordance with the "Terms of Service" here after | Yes |
Do you have any comments or requests? | Sí a la vida, no a las políticas que agraven la emergencia climática y permitan que las empresas transnacionales sigan violando los derechos humanos y devastando la naturaleza impunemente. |
I agree to the terms of service. | Ναι |