Ms Franziska Hogenmüller |
Germany |
Ms Doris Holler-Bruckner |
chief editor, oekonews |
Austria |
Dr. Laura Horn |
Associate Professor, Roskilde University |
Denmark |
Dr. Joaquín Hortal |
Scientist researcher, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) |
Spain |
Prof. Marek Hudon |
Professor, ULB |
Belgium |
Prof. Janne I. Hukkinen |
Professor of environmental policy, University of Helsinki |
Finland |
Mr Eren Can Ileri |
Activist and Researcher, Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs |
France |
Mr Xabier Irigoien Garbizu |
Teacher, Public Admimistration |
Spain |
Prof. Tim Jackson |
Director, Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity |
United Kingdom |
Dr. Tullia Jackson |
Postdoc, Aalborg University |
Sweeden |
Mr Gero Jahns |
Scientific Officer, Soil Scientist, Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie |
Germany |
Ms Maria Jangsten |
Sweden |
Ms. Lise Johnson |
Head of Investment Law and Policy, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment |
United States |
Ms Catherine Joppart |
Communications expert, Independent consultant |
Belgium |
Ms Kilian Jornet Burgada |
Founder, Kilian Jornet Foundation |
Spain |
Dr. Jean Jouzel |
Climate scientist (emeritus), CESE |
France |
Dr. Ola Kalen |
Oceanographer, SMHI |
Sweden |
Dr. Ola Kalen |
Oceanographer, SMHI |
Sweden |
Mr Lennart Karlsson |
Sweden |
Mr Garret Patrick Kelly |
Principal, SEE Change Net Foundation |
Bosnia & Herzegovina |
Dr. Kaysara Khatun |
Senior Fellow, Natural Resources Institute |
United Kingdom |
Dr. Mathias Kirchner |
Senior Scientist, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences |
Austria |
Ms Lucie Kirstein |
Policy Analyst, International Transport Forum at the OECD |
France |
Mr Karl Klon |
scientist, |
Germany |
Dr. kninkerieRP kninkerieRP |, kninkerie |
United States |