End Fossil Protection
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Open letter from climate leaders and scientists to signatories of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)

Withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty because it impedes the transition to clean energy

Fossil fuels account for 72% of European energy supply and they need to be urgently phased out in order to avoid a climate catastrophe. A rapid transition towards a fossil-free energy system is required.

The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a major obstacle to this transition. It protects investments in energy supply, including coal mines, oil and gas extraction, pipelines, refineries and power stations. The treaty allows energy firms to challenge almost any state measure that impacts the investor's expected profit. Legal disputes of this kind are not settled by national courts but in non-transparent private arbitration hearings. Awards worth billions of euros (of taxpayers money) are being made against governments. Investors can even claim and receive compensation for expected future profits.

Energy firms are using the ECT to slow down the transition away from fossil fuels. For example, UK oil company Rockhopper is suing Italy for banning oil extraction in the country's coastal waters, claiming seven times the sum that the company initially invested. British energy firm Ascent Resources is suing Slovenia for demanding the company carries out an Environmental Impact Assessment before starting gas explorations using fracking. In the Netherlands, the operator of a coal-fired power station has started legal proceedings under the ECT against the Dutch government's coal phase-out law, reportedly demanding €1 billion in compensation.

The threat of investment arbitration claims of this kind can be sufficient to dissuade governments from legislating in the public interest. Therefore, the signatories to this letter see the Energy Charter Treaty as a major obstacle to implementation of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal.

We call on the European Union and the 53 signatories to the ECT to immediately:

- Withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty. The ECT is outdated. The ongoing reform process of the treaty (referred to as "modernisation") should not be used as an excuse to defer withdrawal, as it will not make the ECT Paris-compliant. An end to the protection of foreign investments in fossil fuels is not even on the negotiation table, and it would anyway be unacceptable to many of the ECT's signatories, who must unanimously agree to reforms.

- Work together on an agreement to end the "sunset clause". This clause allows investors to sue governments for 20 years after they have withdrawn from the ECT. To mitigate this problem, we call on countries to withdraw from the ECT simultaneously and to adopt an agreement that excludes investor claims within this group of countries.

- Stop the attempts to expand the ECT internationally. As things stand dozens of low and middle income countries, in Africa, Asia and Latin America, are being encouraged to join the ECT. The European Union is funding this expansion process using public funds. Expansion must be stopped.

The climate emergency does not tolerate any further delay. If governments want to be seen as leaders on climate change then they need to step away from investment agreements that tie their hands and continue to protect fossil fuels at the taxpayers' expense. Withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty is an essential first step.

Current Signatories

Already more than 300 signatures collected!

Dr. Laurence Tubiana - CEO of the European Climate Foundation (ECF), Former French Climate Change Ambassador (France), Ms. Sandrine Dixson-Declève - Co-President, Club of Rome (Belgium), Prof. Olivier De Schutter - UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, UCLouvain and United Nations (Belgium), Ms. Rachel Kyte (United Kingdom), Dr. Valérie Masson-Delmotte - Senior scientist, IPSL/LSCE, Université Paris Saclay (France), Prof. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (Belgium), Ms. Connie Hedegaard (Denmark), Prof. Thomas Piketty (France), Prof. Tim Jackson - Director, Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (United Kingdom), Mr. Mark Campanale - Founder & Executive Chair, Carbon Tracker Initiative (United Kingdom), Prof. Dr. Felix Creutzig - Technical University Berlin (Germany), Prof. Dr. Julia Steinberger - Professor of Societal Aspects of Climate Change, University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Prof. Dr.-Eng. Luisa F. Cabeza - Full professor, University of Lleida (Spain), Dr. Jason Hickel - Senior Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London (United Kingdom), Prof. Dominique Bourg - Honorary professor, University of Lausanne (France), Prof. Gail Whiteman - Executive Director & Professor, Arctic Basecamp & University of Exeter Business School (United Kingdom), Dr. Fernando Valladares - Scientist, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain), Dr. Alain Grandjean (France), Dr. Michel Colombier (France), Dr. Bert Metz (Netherlands), Mr. Hans-Josef Fell - President, Energy Watch Group (Germany), Ms. Sarah Butler-Sloss - Founder of the Ashden Awards, a leading sustainable energy prize in the UK, www.ashden.org (United Kingdom), Dr. Kyla Tienhaara - Canada Research Chair in Economy and Environment, Assistant Professor, Queen's University, Canada (Canada), Mr. James Thornton - CEO, ClientEarth (), Prof. Gaël Giraud - Director Environmental Justice Program, Georgetown University, CNRS (France), Dr. Yamina Saheb (France), Dr. Mathias Kirchner - Senior Scientist, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria), Prof. Dr. Mathias Rotach - Professor of Atmospheric Dynamics, University of Innsbruck (Austria), Univ. Doz. Dr. Peter Weish - Human-Ecologist, Lecturer in Environmental Ethics, Forum Wissenschaft & Umwelt (Austria), Ms. Lara Leik - Scientists4Future Coordinator, Salzburg University (Austria), Prof. Dr. Helga Kromp-Kolb - University Professor, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) (Austria), Mr. Charles Moore - European Programme Lead, Ember (United Kingdom), Dr. Beate Antonich - Researcher, University of Eastern Finland (Finland), Mr. Phil MacDonald - COO, Ember (United Kingdom), Mr. Dietmar Mirkes - Coordinator Climate Alliance Luxembourg, ASTM / CA Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Ms. Johanna Sandahl - President, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Sweeden), Mr. Martin Dietrich Brauch, LL.M. - International lawyer and economist, Lead author of the Treaty on Sustainable Investment for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (United States), Mr. Bernhard Zlanabitnig MA, MAS, MSc - Director of EU-Umweltbüro, Vice-President, Vice-President of EEB (Austria), Dr. Janis Brizga - Chair, Green Liberty (Latvia), Prof. Ugo Bardi - Professor of Physical Chemistry, Università di Firenze (Italy), Prof. Kevin P. Gallagher - Professor of Global Development Policy/Director, Global Development Policy Center, Boston University (United States), Mr. Christophe Murroccu - Responsable Climat/Energie, Mouvement Ecologique (Luxembourg), Mr. Elgars Felcis - Lecturer and Researcher, University of Latvia (Latvia), Prof. Luis Mundaca - Professor of Low-Carbon and Resource Efficient Economics and Policy, Lund University (Sweeden), Dr. Tadzio Mueller - Climate Justice Strategist, Climate Justice Movement (Germany), Prof. James Galbraith - Professor, University of Texas at Austin (United States), Dr. Jochen Ohnmacht (Luxembourg), Dr. Céline Guivarch - Researcher, CIRED (France), Dr. Jean Jouzel - Climate scientist (emeritus), CESE (France), Mr. Peter Sweatman - CEO, Climate Strategy (Spain), Prof. Christian Arnsperger - Professor of Sustainability and Economic Anthropology, University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Prof. Marie Elodie Perga - Associate professor in environmental science, University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Martin Grosjean - Director, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern (Switzerland), Prof. Cédric Durand - Associate Professor, University of Geneva (Switzerland), Prof. Frederic Herman - Professor, University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Prof. Gregoire Mariethoz - Professor, University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Prof. Philippe Thalmann - Professor of Economics, EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland), Prof. Marlyne Sahakian - Assistant professor, University of Geneva (Switzerland), Prof. Dominique Méda - Professor of sociology, University of Paris-Dauphine (France), Prof. Nenes Athanasios - Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland), Dr. Dieter Boer - Associate professor, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain), Prof. Pedro Rodriguez (Spain), Mr. Nathan Méténier - Climate and environmental activist, Youth and Environment Europe (France), Ms. Anuna de Wever - Founder, Youth for Climate Belgium (Belgium), Dr. José A. Tenorio - Senior scientist, IETCC. CSIC (Spain), Dr. Martin Cames - Head Energy & Climate, Öko-Institut (Germany), Prof. Isabelle Cassiers - Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Associate, UCLouvain Belgium and Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium), Prof. Alessandra Arcuri - Professor of Inclusive Global Law and Governance, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), Mr. Bill McKibben - Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies, Middlebury College (United States), Mr. Tom Burke - Chairman, E3G (United Kingdom), Dr. Donald Wuebbles - Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois (United States), Mr. Satish Kumar - Editor Emeritus, The Resurgence Trust (United Kingdom), Prof. Edwin Zaccai - Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Prof. Dennis L. Hartmann - Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of Washington (United States), Prof. Filipe Duarte Santos - Professor of Physics, Geophysics and Environment, University of Lisbon (Portugal), Prof. Harm Schepel - Professor of Economic Law, Kent Law School (Netherlands), Prof. Jorge Palmeirim - Associate Professor, University of Lisbon (Portugal), Prof. Jorge Riechmann - Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Mr. Isak Stoddard - PhD Candidate, Uppsala University (Sweeden), Ms. Julia Turner - Associate, SYSTEMIQ LTD (United Kingdom), Prof. Stefan Gössling - Professor, Lund University (Sweeden), Dr. Gregor Hagedorn - Scientific Director, Museum for Natural Sciences, Berlin, Scientists for Future (Germany), Mr. Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes - Vice-President, European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) (Belgium), Prof. Cécile Renouard - Professor, Centre Sèvres (Jesuit Faculty of Paris) Ecole des Mines de Paris, ESSEC and Sciences Po. (France), Ms. Adélaïde Charlier - Student, Human rights and climate activist, Youth for climate BELGIUM (Belgium), Mr. Roland Moreau - President, Club of Rome - EU Chapter (Belgium), Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim (France), Mr. Paco Segura Castro - Biologist and coordinator of Ecologistas en Acción, Ecologistas en Acción (Spain), Prof. Yayo Herrero López - Researcher, consultant and professor, Ecologistas en Acción (Spain), Prof. Manuel Ruiz Pérez - Professor (retired), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Prof. Anabel Lopez - Professor, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) (Spain), Dr. Joaquín Hortal - Scientist researcher, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain), Ms. Cristina Escarmis Homs - Virologist (retired), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain), Prof. Óscar Carpintero - Profesor de Economía Aplicada, University of Valladolid (Spain), Prof. Begoña Peco Vázquez - Profesora de universidad, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) (Spain), Prof. Federico Demaria - Professor of ecological economy, University of Barcelona (Spain), Prof. Emilio Santiago Muíño - Doctor in Anthropology and eco-social researcher. Professor of philosophy at the University of Zaragoza., Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo. University of Zaragoza. (Spain), Prof. Ricardo Amils Pibernat - Professor, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) (Spain), Prof. Alicia Puleo - Professor, Red Ecofeminista (Spain), Mr. Pedro Antonio Prieto Pérez - Telecommunications engineer, Association for the Study of Energy Resources (AEREN) (Spain), Dr. Jose Miguel Pajares Alonso - Antropologist, University of Barcelona (Spain), Prof. Enric Telli Aragay - Professor, Faculty of Economy and Business at University of Barcelona (Spain), Mr. Lluís Xavier Vitòria Agreda - Arquitecter, Barcelona en Comú (Spain), Ms. Ana Maria Calafat Rogers - Biologist, Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture (SEAE) (Spain), Prof. José Mª Baldasano Recio - Emeritus Professor of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia (Spain), Prof. Marc Rius Viladomiu - Professor, University of Southampton (Spain), Mr. Jaime Vindel Gamonal - Researcher, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain), Prof. Fátima Franco Múgica - Professor, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) (Spain), Mr. Andrés R. Amayuelas - President, The Spanish Development NGO Coordinator (La Coordi) (Spain), Ms. Blanca Ruibal - Agronomist engineer and coordinator of Friends of the Earth Spain, Friends of the Earth Spain (Spain), Dr. Robert Savé Monserrat - Biologist, Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) (Spain), Dr. Marta G. Rivera Ferre - Researcher, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Cataluña (Spain), Mr. Mario Rodríguez Vargas - Executive director of Greenpeace Spain, Greenpeace Spain (Spain), Mr. Pedro Luis Lomas Huertas - Researcher, Group of Energy, Economics and Systems Dynamics of the University of Valladolid (GEEDS - University of Valladolid) (Spain), Prof. Dr. Sigrid Stagl - Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy, WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business / Socioeconomics (Austria), Dr. Quintin Rayer, FInstP, Chartered FCSI, SIPC - Head of Research & Ethical Investing, P1 Investment Management Ltd (United Kingdom), Dr. Franz Essl - Team leader, University Vienna (Austria), Prof. Dr. Gerhard J. Herndl - Professor of Aquatic Biology, University of Vienna (Austria), Dr. Carl Dalhammar - Associate Professor, Lund University (Sweeden), Dr. Maja van der Velden - Professor, University of Oslo (Norway), Prof. Dr. Christine Wamsler - Professor of Sustainability Science, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (Sweeden), Dr. Max Åhnan - Associate Professor, Lund University (Sweeden), Prof. Peter Newell - Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex (United Kingdom), JunProf. Dr. Franziska Müller - Junior Professor for Global Climate Governance, University of Hamburg (Germany), Dr. Henner Busch - Researcher, Lund University (Sweeden), Dr. Wim Carton - Assistant Professor, Lund University Center of Sustainability Science (Sweeden), Dr. Tullia Jackson - Postdoc, Aalborg University (Sweeden), Dr. Laura Horn - Associate Professor, Roskilde University (Denmark), Mr. Karl Falkenberg - Former Director General for Environment, EU Commission, Independent lecturer (Germany), Ms. Lise Johnson - Head of Investment Law and Policy, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (United States), Dr. Johannes Theodor Aalders - Postdoc, Gothenburg University (Germany), Dr. Helmut Haberl - Associate Professor, Institute of Social Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria), Prof. Kevin Anderson - Chair of energy and climate change, Universities of Manchester, Uppsala and Bergen (United Kingdom), Dr. ir. Luc Chefneux - Member of the Academy and Director of the " Technology and Society" section, Académie royale de Belgique (Belgium), Prof. Pierre Ozer - Professor, ULiège (Belgium), Dr. Jennifer Lenhart - Global Lead, Cities, WWF (Sweeden), Dr. Barbara Smetschka - Researcher, BOKU Institute of Social Ecology (Austria), Prof. Dr. Clive L. Spash - Chair of Public Policy and Governance, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria), Mr. Pontus Ambros, MSc - Project administrator, Uppsala University (Sweeden), Dr. Kristoffer Ekberg - Post doc researcher, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweeden), Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski - University professor, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), Mr. Frans Libertson - Doctoral student, Lund University (Sweeden), Dr. Frederic Bauer - Researcher, Lund University (Sweeden), Mr. Niclas Hällström - Director, WhatNext? (Sweeden), Ms. Caroline Marcuzzi - PhD stundent, ULB (Belgium), Dr. Niklas Alexander Chimirri - Associate Professor, Dept. of People and Technology, Roskilde University (Denmark), Dr. Vasna Ramasar - Associate Senior Lecturer, Lund University (Sweeden), Dr. Thomas Krämerkämper - Deputy Chairman, BUND NRW e.V. (Germany), Dr. Aysem Mert - Associate Professor of Environmental Politics, Stockholm University (Sweeden), Dr. Naghmeh Nasiritousi - Researcher, Stockholm University (Sweeden), A.Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Erb - ass. Professor for Land use and Global Change, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Austria), Prof. Siobhán Wills - Professor, Ulster University (Ireland), Mr. Guy Finkill - Research Assistant, LUCSUS, Lund University (Sweeden), Prof. Javier Benayas del Alamo - Professor in Ecology, Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) (Spain), Prof. Pedro Aragón Carrera - Professor at Faculty of Biology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), Prof. Margarita Mediavilla Pascual - Professor, School of Industrial Engineering of University of Valladolid. Group of Energy, Economics and Systems Dynamics of the University of Valladolid (GEEDS-UVa) (Spain), Prof. Luis Javier Miguel González - Professor, Group of Energy, Economics and Systems Dynamics of the University of Valladolid (GEEDS - University of Valladolid) (Spain), Dr. Salvador Pueyo Puntí - Environmentalist researcher, ConCiencias Barcelona (Spain), Ms. Maite Serrano - Sociologist and director of The Spanish Development NGO Coordinator, The Spanish Development NGO Coordinator (La Coordi) (Spain), Dr. Juan A. Emilio Menéndez Pérez - Mining engineer, Retired Honorary Professor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), Prof. Miguel Bastos Araújo - Research professor, National Museum of Natural Sciences (CNMC) and Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain), Ms. María-José Aubet Semmler (Spain), Dr. Jose Manuel Naredo (Spain), Prof. Jose Albelda - Professor of Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and researcher at CIAE on art, environment and sustainability, Polytechnic University of Valencia and CIAE (Spain), Prof. Giovanni Sartor - Professor, Università di Bologna (Italy), Mr. Wendel Trio - Director, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe (Belgium), Mr. Ernst-Christoph Stolper - State Secretary ret, Chair of the Steering Committee, German NGO Forum on Environment and Development (Germany), Mr. Maxime Combes - Economist, Aitec (France), Prof. Constantin Stamatis - Professor of Legal Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Prof. Isabelle Ferreras - FNRS Senior Researcher, Professor, FNRS/University of Louvain (Belgium), Mr. Jan Streeck - Researcher, Institute of Social Ecology Vienna (Austria), Dr. Sander Chan - Senior researcher, Global Center on Adaptation (Netherlands), Prof. Marija Bartl - Professor of Transnational Private Law, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Prof. Dr. Kai Niebert - DNR President, Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR) (Germany), Mr. Benoît Leguet - Managing Director, I4CE - Institute for Climate Economics (France), Prof. Anneli Albi - Professor of European and Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Kent (United Kingdom), Prof. Lucas Chancel - Co Director, World Inequality Lab (France), Dr. Andreu Escrivà (Spain), Prof. Tomás R. Villasante - Honorific Foundation, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), Prof: María Dolores Hernández Hernández - Retired professor, Creasvi Foundation (Spain), Mr. Fernando Prats Palazuelo - Arquitecter, ex-Director of Integral Strategies for Sustainability in Spain, and member of Foro Transiciones, Foro Transiciones (Spain), Prof. Xavier Labandeira Villot - Professor, University of Vigo (Spain), Prof. Marek Hudon - Professor, ULB (Belgium), Prof. Christian Breyer - Professor, LUT University (Finland), Dr. Aleksandra Novikova - Team Lead Energy Efficiency and Climate Finance, Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) (Germany), Prof. Philippe Devillé - Professor emeritus, UCLouvain (Belgium), Prof. Dr. Eicke R. Weber - Chairman, European Solar Manufacturing Council ESMC (Germany), Ms. Angela Morgado - Executive Director, ANP, WWF Portugal (Portugal), Ms. Clara Megías Baños - PhD student in Marine Sciences, University of Alicante (Spain), Dr. Luis Rico - Coordinator, Ecologistas en Acción (Spain), Ms. Lola Yllescas - Coordinator, Ecologistas en Acción (Spain), Ms. Asunción Ruiz - Director, SEO Birdlife (Spain), Mr. Carlos del Olmo - General Secretary, WWF Spain (Spain), Mr. Santiago Martín Barajas - Agronomist engineer, Ecologistas en Acción (Spain), Prof. Ivan Murray Mas - Professor, Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain), Mr. Marcos Rivero Cuadrado - Project manager for eco-social training and awareness, La Transicionera (Spain), Prof. Asier Arias Domínguez - Professor, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), Dr. Antonio Turiel Martínez Turiel Martínez - Scientist, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain), Prof. Javier García Sanabria - Professor, University of Cádiz (Spain), Dr. Katharina Reindl - Postdoctoral fellow, The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) (Sweeden), Prof. Janne I. Hukkinen - Professor of environmental policy, University of Helsinki (Finland), Prof. Martti Koskenniemi - Professor of Law, University of Helsinki (Finland)

Sign the Open Letter | All signatories

About the initiative

The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) protects foreign investments in fossil fuels and obstructs the transition to clean energy.

Ahead of the European Council meeting on the 10th and 11th December 2020, this open letter signed by more than 200 scientists and climate leaders, together with other statements from youth movements, european parliamentarians and business community, lays out concrete actions that must be taken to meet Europe's climate ambition and leave the ECT.


from scientists and climate leaders

  • Prof. Olivier De Schutter

    UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

    "The Energy Charter Treaty is a tool in the hands of the richest and most powerful actors in society and allows them to obstruct urgent decisions in the public interest, such as tackling climate change and achieving clean, affordable energy for all. It undermines democracy. European countries should initiate a joint withdrawal as soon as possible."

  • Sandrine Dixson-Declève

    Co-President of the Club of Rome

    "The Energy Charter Treaty goes 100% counter to today's EU climate leadership, science-based decision making and the EIB's divestment strategy. EU leaders must withdraw from this outdated treaty without further delay."

  • Dr. Yamina SAHEB

    IPCC lead author, OpenEXP Senior Climate and Energy Policy Analyst

    "ECT modernisation process is a failure. EU Ministers should make an end to this process at the December 2020 Energy Charter Conference."

  • Laurence TUBIANA

    CEO European Climate Foundation, architect of the Paris Agreement

    "The Paris Agreement is threatened by the Energy Charter Treaty as it protects fossil investments."

  • Felix CREUTZIG

    Chair Sustainability Economics of Human Settlements, Mercator Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change

    "Delivering well-being for all requires ending the fossil era."

  • Rachel Kyte

    Dean at The Fletcher School, Tufts University and former SE4ALL CEO

    "SDG7 is undermined by Energy Charter Treaty fossil protection."

If the ECT remains unchanged, the protection of foreign investment in fossil fuels by the treaty will potentially lead by 2050 to:

  • More emissions: at least 216 gigaton greenhouse gas emissions are protected by the ECT. This is equivalent to more than one-third of the remaining global carbon budget for the period 2018-2050.
  • Excessive costs: at least €2.15 trillion of stranded fossil fuels assets will be protected by the ECT and at least €1.3 trillion of ISDS cost which will be triggered by the implementation of the climate neutrality target. As a reference, the EU estimates the investments needed for the European Green Deal to €1 trillion over the next 10 years.
  • Severe impact on developing countries: countries with high fossil fuel reserves will be locked into a carbon intensive energy system that will prove an economic burden as well as having impacts on human health in decades to come. This situation is unsustainable. This is why leading climate leaders and scientists therefore urge the EU and its Member States to consider the withdrawal of the ECT as a priority. We want to believe that the rapid evolution of the public debate on the subject can accelerate this decision.

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Contact Info

  • contact@endfossilprotection.org