Name Organisation Country
Mr. Marcos Rivero Cuadrado Project manager for eco-social training and awareness, La Transicionera Spain
Mr Jaime Rocha France
BSc, Dipl.-Ing. Martin Röck Research fellow, PhD candidate, KU Leuven Austria
Mr Fernando Rodríguez Spain
Prof. Pedro Rodriguez Spain
Dr. Encarna Rodríguez García Investigadora independiente, Spain
Mr Ramón  Rodríguez Sanz Activista, Ecologistas en acción Spain
Mr. Mario Rodríguez Vargas Executive director of Greenpeace Spain, Greenpeace Spain Spain
Dr. Siegfried Roehl Senior Advisory Mandate, independent Consultant Germany
Dr. Katy Roelich Associate Professor, University of Leeds United Kingdom
Ms Nicole ROGER France
Dr. Francoise Roques astronome, Observatoire de Paris France
Mr Pierre Rossi Norway
Prof. Dr. Mathias Rotach Professor of Atmospheric Dynamics, University of Innsbruck Austria
Ing. Peio Roth France
Ing. Sabina Rothe Germany
Ms Sidonie Ruban President, Lobby Climatique Citoyen CCL-France France
Sr  Alfonso Rubio Manzanares Spain
Ms. Blanca Ruibal Agronomist engineer and coordinator of Friends of the Earth Spain, Friends of the Earth Spain Spain
Ms. Asunción Ruiz Director, SEO Birdlife Spain
Dr. Daniel Ruiz Spain
Prof. Manuel Ruiz Pérez Professor (retired), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain
Prof. Marlyne Sahakian Assistant professor, University of Geneva Switzerland
Dr. Yamina Saheb France
Mr Javier Salamanca Muñoz Spain