Name Organisation Country
Prof. Constantin Stamatis Professor of Legal Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece
Dr. Tanya Stathers Assoc. Prof. of Sustainable Agri-Food Systems, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Julia Steinberger Professor of Societal Aspects of Climate Change, University of Lausanne Switzerland
Mr Harald Sterly Senior Scientist, University of Vienna Germany
Mr. Isak Stoddard PhD Candidate, Uppsala University Sweeden
Mr. Ernst-Christoph Stolper State Secretary ret, Chair of the Steering Committee, German NGO Forum on Environment and Development Germany
Mr. Jan Streeck Researcher, Institute of Social Ecology Vienna Austria
Ms Marlen Stryj Germany
Mr Julio César Suarez Ferrer Spain
Mr. Peter Sweatman CEO, Climate Strategy Spain
Ms Clare Taylor Communications coordinator, Neemo EEIG Belgium
Ing. Miguel  Teixido Spain
Prof. Enric Telli Aragay Professor, Faculty of Economy and Business at University of Barcelona Spain
Dr. José A. Tenorio Senior scientist, IETCC. CSIC Spain
Ms Marta Terán García Spain
Mr Samuel Teruel García Spain
Prof. Philippe Thalmann Professor of Economics, EPFL Lausanne Switzerland
Mr. James Thornton CEO, ClientEarth
Mr David Thorpe Director, The One Planet Centre CIC United Kingdom
Dr. Kyla Tienhaara Canada Research Chair in Economy and Environment, Assistant Professor, Queen's University, Canada Canada
Ms Mª Luisa Toribio Bióloga, especializada en medio ambiente, punto&coma - publicaciones Spain
Ing. Lionel Torres Rodriguez Spain
Ms Carmen Tortosa Spain
Mr. Wendel Trio Director, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe Belgium