Prof. Constantin Stamatis |
Professor of Legal Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Greece |
Dr. Tanya Stathers |
Assoc. Prof. of Sustainable Agri-Food Systems, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich |
United Kingdom |
Prof. Dr. Julia Steinberger |
Professor of Societal Aspects of Climate Change, University of Lausanne |
Switzerland |
Mr Harald Sterly |
Senior Scientist, University of Vienna |
Germany |
Belgium |
Mr. Isak Stoddard |
PhD Candidate, Uppsala University |
Sweeden |
Mr. Ernst-Christoph Stolper |
State Secretary ret, Chair of the Steering Committee, German NGO Forum on Environment and Development |
Germany |
Mr. Jan Streeck |
Researcher, Institute of Social Ecology Vienna |
Austria |
Ms Marlen Stryj |
Germany |
Mr Julio César Suarez Ferrer |
Spain |
Mr. Peter Sweatman |
CEO, Climate Strategy |
Spain |
Ms Clare Taylor |
Communications coordinator, Neemo EEIG |
Belgium |
Ing. Miguel Teixido |
Spain |
Prof. Enric Telli Aragay |
Professor, Faculty of Economy and Business at University of Barcelona |
Spain |
Dr. José A. Tenorio |
Senior scientist, IETCC. CSIC |
Spain |
Ms Marta Terán García |
Spain |
Mr Samuel Teruel García |
Spain |
Prof. Philippe Thalmann |
Professor of Economics, EPFL Lausanne |
Switzerland |
Mr. James Thornton |
CEO, ClientEarth |
Mr David Thorpe |
Director, The One Planet Centre CIC |
United Kingdom |
Dr. Kyla Tienhaara |
Canada Research Chair in Economy and Environment, Assistant Professor, Queen's University, Canada |
Canada |
Ms Mª Luisa Toribio |
Bióloga, especializada en medio ambiente, punto&coma - publicaciones |
Spain |
Ing. Lionel Torres Rodriguez |
Spain |
Ms Carmen Tortosa |
Spain |
Mr. Wendel Trio |
Director, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe |
Belgium |